Fiyinfoluwa Gbosibo and co-authors win best student paper at ACM-BCB 2019

September 10, 2019 — The paper ‘Practical Universal k-mer Sets for Minimizer Schemes’, was awarded best student paper at the ACM-BCB 2019 conference in Niagara Falls, NY.

A universal k-mer set is a set of length-k strings such that every string of length > w must contain one of the k-mers in the set. This paper started as a summer internship project for Fiyinfoluwa Gbosibo to develop computational methods for finding ‘universal hitting sets’ for larger values of k. Congraduations to Fiyinfoluwa Gbosibo, Dan DeBlasio, and Guillaume Marçais for the best student paper award!

Dan DeBlasio, Fiyinfoluwa Gbosibo, Carl Kingsford, Guillaume Marçais. Practical Universal k-mer Sets for Minimizer Schemes. In Proceedings of ACM-BCB 2019 pages 167-176.

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